This will be the first thing I’ve written (and finished) in some years. I hate that. I hate that this is why I’m writing again, because I’m just so angry. There was a time when words were so powerful to me, when it felt as if I would burst if I didn’t get them out in time. Words granted me a freedom I didn’t really have, made me feel like my voice was stronger than it really was. And now I want nothing more than for that to have been true, because it certainly never will be again. Now my words are empty and fading into a void where I might as well be dust floating through space, because now I don’t matter in a way that I haven’t not mattered in a while.
I stopped believing in God when I actually took the time to
give It more than a moment’s thought. The whole “weaker vessel” thing has never
sat right with me; I am, biologically, worth hundreds of men. I have yet to
meet a man that could convince me that I was weak. Justifiably so. And what
kind of nonsense is the idea that God would create a world for people, give
them freedom of choice, punish them for exercising it, and then declare that
once people finally get this all figured out and start doing well (“peace
and security,” if you will) that he’s coming back to make them sorry for ever
having succeeded without him? Yeah, so care, very empathy. It truly radiates
unconditional love.
I’m glad that I was able to get out, that my lack of belief at
the time was enough to save me from the horrors of participating in organized
religion. Now it isn’t. I’m once again subject to the will of a deity created
to curtail freedoms, to oppress and to discriminate, and I don’t even fucking
believe in the guy! I removed myself from the world of religion because it was
so obviously corrupt that it disgusted me; because women are second-class citizens
to God; because the entire story is just threats of punishment if you don’t
procreate (like anyone was going to stop doing that just because there wasn’t a
god to tell them to have babies); because I don’t require the threat of
damnation to be a good person, and if I did I wouldn’t be a good person; because
spitting in the face of science, the art of learning the world around you,
seems pretty disrespectful to any supposed god (God makes the universe and you
learn about it and promptly say “fuck that, my several-thousand-years-out-of-date
book says a stupid thing and that’s the hill I’m going to die on.” That has got
to be so frustrating for an omnipotent being. The overlaps between religious
zealotry, ignorance, right-wing bigotry, and the incomprehensible resurgence of
“flat-earth” theories are pretty much just a bunch of concentric circles.)
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really have a problem with faith.
By all means, have as much faith as you like. The problem I have is with faith
that falls apart under any amount of scrutiny. You can’t be “pro-life” if your
idea of “pro-life” is actually just pro “forcing people to produce more taxpayers”
or “all lives matter (except the ones that don’t).” I have a problem with faith
that manifests only when needed as an excuse to treat someone poorly. I don’t
know who might be surprised to hear it, but where I live in the south it is
totally normal to hear people still using anti-Semitic phrases at work, to
hear people in not-so-disguised mumbles use any of a number of racist epithets,
misogynistic language fueled by backwards thinking and a dedication to
ignorance, to openly mock and ridicule people who are more interested in
preserving the livability of our planet than with appeasing an indifferent god.
And I work at one of the good places. Do you know what every single one
of those people have in common? Christianity. So forgive me when I say that
there is nothing Christ-like about Christianity.
Some “Christian” woman I worked with took the time out of
her day to openly complain after a workplace training session encouraged people
to treat others the way they want to be treated rather than how you
might like to be treated. Essentially, they made it clear that if a person is
transitioning and you make a point to use their deadname or to intentionally misgender
them, that is harassment and they will treat it as such. That seems pretty damned reasonable to
me. If you tell me your name is Sandra but I insist on calling you Samuel, that’s
a basic display of disrespect at best, and at worst a confident display
of aggression. And to do that to a person on a consistent basis? Yeah, you’re just
an asshole.
My coworker espoused her belief that having to pee in the
same room as a trans person violates her religious freedoms. I can’t imagine
how, because it isn’t as though anyone is making her transition. Her argument
was that using a person’s preferred pronouns is “affirming sin.” But how would you
know what that person’s assigned at birth pronouns were? Are you not basically
asking every person to reveal their genitalia before deciding how you’re going
to treat them? I’m pretty sure Jesus would have let you pee in the room with him,
even though you’re a bigoted jerk. Her argument was just as transparently
baseless as the disgusting fallacy that gay men are pedophiles, and here she
was proudly arguing in 2022 that having trans women in a women’s restroom is
dangerous to women. Not only is this simply untrue, it is based on her belief
that trans women aren’t women (also not true). So what are they? Where can they
pee? Can they pee? Are they allowed? We’re talking about a human
function that disregards gender and sexuality, color and creed. She’s trying to
prevent someone from performing a natural bodily function to protect her own
sensibilities, which is dangerous by itself. Clearly she isn’t motivated by any
love, or sense of empathy. There’s no way you could spin this to paint yourself
in a good light. Jesus wouldn’t. He didn’t. This isn’t about protecting people;
this is about control. But she’s “not transphobic.”
All of this is only relevant because it has served to
infuriate me further. Why would a religion whose entire supposed purpose is to
spread love target marginalized people and spread hate? What is pro-life about forcing
someone to live in misery, whether it be because of an unwanted pregnancy or not
being able to live free from the petty confines of gender or sexuality? Why do
they care at all? If Christians think it’s their duty to rid the world of “sin”,
someone needs to very plainly explain to them that it literally is not their
prerogative to do so. I do not care that you believe in a god. I don’t, so his
rules and laws do not apply to me, just as no one expects a Christian to give
two shits about the laws of any other religion, let alone abide by them.
The issue of abortion has revealed the true intentions of so
many people who call themselves “pro-life.” Lawmakers want women to die, end of
sentence. Forcing a ten-year-old child, a rape victim because a
ten-year-old child is not an adult and can NEVER consent, to give birth is
criminal. Allowing a woman to die because the already-dead thing in her uterus might
have been so cute if it hadn’t already fucking died is criminal. Forcing a rape victim to carry the child of
their rapist to term is criminal. What is pro-life about condemning and
punishing victims while protecting their abusers? God did abortions. Still-birth
was a common tool he used to punish the disobedient. David and Bathsheba’s
child was born dead because God said “no” to a baby conceived “in sin.” While I
don’t want to split hairs on the definition of sin as a non-believer, I think
it would be pretty evil to call rape, incest, and abuse anything other than
sin. What was that about being unwilling to “affirm sin?” Talk about a double
standard. Are you still pro-life if my child ends up being gay, or trans? I
could have aborted and saved you the trouble of torturing them for the rest of
their lives. They don’t care about babies, or children, or life, because they
have no regard for the life already here. This is what has been revealed.
Anti-education efforts in the US have pushed religious
extremists to the brink of their political power, allowing them to sow dissent based
on nothing; but you can’t reason with the unreasonable. Allowing “faith” to
replace fact has plunged us into this dystopian “fake-news” place where people
think that “doing their own research” just means finding the right article or
the right idiot to validate their idiocy. Right-wing extremists have done
everything they can to convince their base that science is something besides fact,
that the nature of reality is negotiable. But it isn’t. The truth is that women,
people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, have been systematically abused forever and the
sacrilegious, sanctimonious “Christians” trying to ensure that those people stay
underfoot where they belong by stripping them of their human rights and making
concerted efforts to erase and dehumanize them are the villains of this story. It
is the antithesis of “pro-life,” and being unable to recognize that speaks to
how deeply inhumane most religions are.
So I’m done. I’m done acting like I give a shit about your
religious beliefs and convictions, because they’re hurting people. Whether you’re
willing to acknowledge it or not, religion is being used as a tool of oppression,
as it always has been. None of this is new. And I’m done “affirming” anti-human
sentiment. Trans people are people. Gay people are people. People of color are
people. Women are people. Everyone deserves to live a life unfettered by the
demands of other people’s opinions.
I think of all the mothers I know, how much most of them would do if it meant providing an ounce of peace, security, happiness, to their children. I think of the nature of God, and wonder if his love could compare to that of a mother. Because the mothers I know love their children. Their gay, trans, queer, agnostic, atheist, sinful children. And they would never harm them, or ask them to let a man break their bodies so that he can punish them for being broken, or force them to question their own worth and place in the world. I do not know any mother that would tell me I was weak, or undeserving, or insufficient.
That’s more than can be said of God.
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